Mallory Garnett, PhD

Post Doctoral Fellow

Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware 1600 Rockland Road Wilmington, DE 19803

Medical/Dental School

  • Doctoral Candidate - University of Delaware, Psychological and Brain Sciences, 2023

  • Cortisol across preschool day relates to teacher ratings of executive functioning for children facing economic hardship; Early Childhood Research Quarterly; (2023).

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  • Foster parent responsiveness and young children's diurnal cortisol production; Developmental Psychobiology; (2021).

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  • Deconstructing Cumulative Risk: Poverty and Aspects of Instability Relate Uniquely to Young Children's Basal Cortisol; Child Development; (2021).

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  • Parental sensitivity mediates the sustained effect of Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up on cortisol in middle childhood: A randomized clinical trial; Psychoneuroendocrinology; (2020).

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  • Economic Instability and Household Chaos Relate to Cortisol for Children in Poverty; Journal of Family Psychology; (2019).

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  • The art of Head Start: Intensive arts integration associated with advantage in school readiness for economically disadvantaged children; Early Childhood Research Quarterly; (2018).

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  • Can the Arts Get Under the Skin? Arts and Cortisol for Economically Disadvantaged Children; Child Development; (2017).

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  • Daily Poverty-Related Stress and Coping: Associations with Child Learned Helplessness; Family Relations; (2016).

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