Jess: Leukemia
“Studies show that young adults with cancer have a higher chance of survival when treated at a children’s hospital. I feel very blessed for the expertise and support from my incredible team at Nemours."
– Jess, Adolescents and Young Adults Cancer Program

“The only reason I saw the doctor was to get an extension for one of my exams,” recalls Jess, a 20-year-old college student. Within 12 hours of her blood test results, Jess was at Nemours Children's starting cancer treatment.
Jess was diagnosed with T-cell leukemia, and time was essential.
“I hadn’t been feeling well. I was tired a lot and thought I had an ear infection,” says Jess. “I couldn’t take my exam and my college said I needed a medical note. So, I went to the doctor.”
While Jess’ cancer wasn’t part of the family’s plan, they knew exactly what to do when they got the news. A family friend had cancer treatment at Nemours years before.
Jess became a young adult patient through the Nemours AYA (adolescents and young adults) cancer program. “Within hours I had a room, a primary oncologist with expertise in AYA cancer and a whole team doing everything they could to save my life,” she recalls.
Jess is grateful for the care she received at Nemours. Her road was not easy, but she says her team was always there for her.
“Studies show that young adults with cancer have a higher chance of survival when treated at a children’s hospital,” notes Jess. “I feel very blessed for the expertise and support from my incredible team at Nemours,” she adds.