Use of Human-Centered Design Methodology to Develop Nonimmerse Virtual Reality Asthma Education Program

Clinical Trial

Offered by: Nemours Children's
Location: Orlando

Trial Name

Use of Human-Centered Design Methodology to Develop non-immerse Virtual Reality Asthma Education Program

What is the trial about?

The purpose of this study is to have short meetings to design a game-based program that will help educate children on asthma.

Who can participate?

Caregivers and children 8-12 years old with diagnosis of asthma.

What is involved?

Three 1-hour virtual sessions to participate in the design of the asthma education program.

Contact Nemours Children's Clinical Trials

Trial Name: Use of Human-Centered Design Methodology to Develop non-immerse Virtual Reality Asthma Education Program

IRB# 2195989-2

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Two researchers in a lab wearing coats and gloves, one looks into a microscope.