Personalized Research on Diet-Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn's Disease
Clinical Trial
Offered by: Nemours Children's
Location: Delaware Valley and Jacksonville and Orlando in Florida
Trial Name
Personalized Research on Diet-Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn's Disease.
What is the trial about?
To learn more about treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in kids by changing their diet compared to treating them with drugs alone. Sometimes, the drugs alone don’t work well. Sometimes, kids and their parents want to try other treatments before starting drugs.
Who can participate?
Children and young adults diagnosed with crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or indeterminate colitis between the ages of 7-18 years of age. Enrolled in the ImproveCareNow registry through our clinic. Mild to Moderate disease activity.
What is involved?
Each patient will be in the study 34 weeks: 1-2 weeks of the regular diet, then the patient will switch back and forth every 8 weeks between two study diets. There will be two visits with the physician or nurse practitioner about 10 weeks apart as well as 4 visits and 4 follow up phone calls with the dietitian and coordinator. At the end of the 32 weeks, patient will meet with the physician for results.
All blood draws are standard of care, meaning when your physician needs to order the test, they will do it off study. You will need to mail 4 stool samples to the central lab and you will need to have a smart phone and be willing to download the study app. You will need to document specific items in the diet twice a day; this is mandatory of the study.
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