Families as Advisors at Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware

We rely on family advisors to help create experiences of care that meet the needs of all families and patients that come to Nemours Children's. Our family advisors guide our decision-making by providing us important input and valuabel feedback.


About Our Family Advisory Council

At the heart of family-centered care is the belief that when children, families, and health care providers work together, our children get the best care possible. 

Tapping into our families as advisors on projects and committees give us the opportunity to build systems and experiences that support family-centered care. It is our goal to develop and foster collaborative partnerships among children, families and health care providers by:


  • assist in planning, evaluating, and implementing policies, programs
    and services
  • offer trusted advice and resources for children, families and associates


  • assist in staff education and professional development
  • encourage family involvement in hospital committees, task forces and
    work groups


  • promote the diverse needs of families caring for children with chronic or complex medical conditions
  • engage the community as active, positive hospital ambassadors