Step 1: For this activity, gather a variety of letters from the “with a hole” list above and place in a bowl. To start you might want to only include letters with holes. To add a challenge, you might want to include some of the letters from the “without a hole” list. Follow your child’s lead and interest.
Step 2: Encourage your child to pick a letter from the bowl. Say the name of the letter she chose and say the sound it makes, for example:
“That’s the letter /d/ /d/ D! Can you say /d/ /d/ D with me?”
Step 3: Hold the letter up to your eye and say:
“Look, the letter D has a peek-a-boo hole. Peek-a-boo, I see you! Can you look through the peek-a-boo hole?”
Step 4: Let her choose another letter from the bowl and encourage her to show you the peek-a-boo hole.