Tap, Tap, Tap on Baby’s Fist

Prep: None/Activity Time: 3–5 Minutes

Toddlers love simple rhymes, especially ones that end with a kiss.


Step 1: Invite your toddler to sit in your lap or in front of you on the floor. 

Step 2: Take her hand in yours and show her how to close her fingers to make a fist. 

Step 3: Say the following rhyme as you gently tap on your toddler’s fist with your finger: 

“Tap, tap, tap on (Sara’s) fist (use your child’s name).” 

“Open up for mommy’s kiss. Open! (show her how to open her fist)” 

Step 4: When the fist is open, tickle and kiss the palm of your child’s hand. 

Step 5: As you repeat this rhyme, your toddler will soon start to open her fist when she hears the word "open."