Spaghetti Play

18 to 23 Months | Oral Language

Prep: 10–15 Minutes | Activity Time: 5–10 Minutes

Cook a pot of spaghetti, but not for supper! Fill up a large plastic bowl with cooked spaghetti and let your toddler explore. Talk about the shape, texture and color of the spaghetti. Describe what you see your little one do as she experiments with this new medium. 

  • Spaghetti pasta
  • Large plastic bowls (2)
  • Large vinyl tablecloth
  • Large spoons and safe utensils

Step 1: Cook a pot of spaghetti pasta and let it cool.

Step 2: Lay a large vinyl tablecloth on the floor. Put a large plastic bowl filled with the spaghetti in the middle of the tablecloth. Provide a few utensils to pick up the pasta and another empty large plastic bowl for transferring the pasta.

Step 3: Invite your child over to explore the spaghetti! Sit back and watch. Describe what you see your child doing. For example:

“You are picking up the spaghetti! How does it feel? It’s smooth and slippery.”

“I see you moving the spaghetti into the other bowl.”

“It’s hard to pick up spaghetti with the spoon. It keeps falling off!”

“You are pulling the spaghetti apart into little, tiny pieces.”