I Remember When

24 to 35 Months | Oral Language

Prep: None / Activity Time: 5 Minutes

Your 2-year-old may be starting to recall and answer questions about past events. Reminisce with your little one about a favorite experience she enjoyed in the recent past. Use questions and pauses to encourage her to fill in the details.


Step 1: Think about an event earlier in the day that your child really enjoyed. Retell the experience. 

Step 2: As you retell the story, use sentences and questions, and pause to encourage her to fill in the details. 

You might say:

“I remember when we went to the swimming pool today. First, we put on your (______). Then, we walked to the pool. You had so much fun! You splashed in the (______). Do you remember who went to the pool with us? What did we take with us to help you dry off?” 

Even if your child cannot yet participate in the retelling of an experience, she will still benefit from hearing you tell the story. 

Take photos of the steps of an event. Place them in order on a table or the floor and retell the experience as you and your child look at the photos. Using the example above, you might take photos of your child putting on her bathing suit, walking to the pool, splashing in the water and drying off with the towel. Again, use sentences and questions, and pause to encourage her to fill in the details. 

See if your child can retell most of the event herself. Use prompts. For example, you might ask, “What did you do first before we went to the swimming pool?” (Put on a bathing suit.) Then you might ask, “What did we do next?”