Rhyme Time Cleanup

3-Year-Olds | Phonological Awareness

Prep: None | Activity Time: 10-15 Minutes 

Preschool children enjoy hearing and experimenting with rhymes. Next time you ask your child to clean up his toys, turn it into a fun rhyming game!

  • Toys 

Step 1: When it’s time to clean up toys, tell your child you are going to play a cleanup game.

Step 2: You might say:

“I see something that rhymes with bar. What needs to be put away that rhymes with bar? Bar ... mar ... CAR!!! You figured it out! You’re done for today, so put it away!”

Step 3: Continue with other toys. For example:

“I see something that rhymes with lock. What do you see that rhymes with lock? Lock ... dock ... BLOCK! You are very good at finding the rhyming toy. You’re done for today so put it ____.” (Let your child finish the statement by saying, “away.”)

Step 4: Assist your child as needed. For example, if your child struggles with finding a toy that rhymes with lock, you might say:

“Block/lock, block/lock. They both say ock. Block and lock rhyme. Put the block away!”

Step 5: Continue as long as your child stays interested in the game.

Give your child just two choices. Put two toys in front of your child and say something like:

“I see something that rhymes with bar. What needs to be put away that rhymes with bar? Is it car or ball? Bar/car or bar/ball?”

Provide the answer if needed.  

See if your child can pick out the rhyming object independently without extra clues. You might also ask your child to think of another word that rhymes.