Step 1: To make it easier, reduce the number of objects. Locate and name two objects whose names contain three distinct sounds. Place both objects on the table so that your child can see them.
Step 2: Secretly choose one of the objects. Say each sound in the word (not the name of each letter), slowly, one sound at a time. Encourage your child to blend the sounds together and locate the correct object. Say:
“Listen, listen with your ear. Find the word that you hear: /h/ /a/ /t/. Blend those sounds inside your head, then show me which word I just said!”
Step 3: While your child holds the object, slowly say each of the sounds again. Encourage your child to jump once for each sound in the word. For example, your child would jump three times for the word “hat.” You might say:
“Listen: /h/ /a/ /t/. Let’s jump three times, once for each sound. What’s the word?”
Step 4: Choose two new objects and play again.