Step 1: Tell your child that some words are short and they have only one syllable (e.g., milk, juice). Other words are long and have two or more syllables (e.g., cucumber, banana).
Step 2: Say that you are going to use just your ears to find out whether words are long or short.
Step 3: You might select a category (e.g., foods, toys, vehicles, animals) to make it easier for your child to think of words.
Step 4: Say a word in a clear voice. Ask your child to listen and to tell you if it is a short word (one syllable) or a long word (more than one syllable). You might suggest that she clap out the syllables if that makes it easier.
Step 5: Next, ask your child to think of a word and say it in a clear voice. Then you can clap the syllables and tell your child if the word is short or long.
Step 6: Continue as long as your child is interested.