Step 1: Add some challenge by talking about beginning, middle and ending sounds. Choose something in the room and encourage your child to guess what it is by telling her the ending sound. For example, if you chose table you might say:
“I spy with my little eye something that ends with /l/.”
Step 2: Offer more clues about how the word sounds (but not about its color, size, shape).
- Talk about the middle sounds you hear when you say the word. For example the /ā/ sound in table sounds like acorn. You might say:
“It has the /ā/ sound in the middle.”
- Say the first syllables and leave of the rest of the word. You might say:
“The first part of the word sounds like “tay” Can you guess what it is?”
- Provide another word that rhymes but add a twist. You might say:
“My word rhymes with mable, if you change the /m/ sound to /t/ you might guess what it is.”
Step 3: Praise your child for correctly identifying the word or another word that fits the clues you gave. You can play this game again using a different word.