Step 1: Before beginning, place an object in the box (e.g., hat).
Step 2: Introduce your child to the turtle (puppet or stuffed animal). Explain that Turtle loves to give out presents, but he just can’t keep a secret! He always tries to tell people the names of their presents before they can open them!
Step 3: Tell your child that Turtle has a funny way of talking. He says words one sound at a time. He calls this “turtle talk”; it is a slow way of saying a word.
Step 4: Without showing your child the object, have Turtle sneak a peek inside the box and “say” the name of the object in the box, one sound at a time. For example, if Turtle is giving a present of a hat, he would say /h/ /ă/ /t/.
Step 5: Say to your child:
“Can you figure out what Turtle is trying to say? He is giving you a hint about what is in the box. He gets really happy when you figure out what he is trying to say!”
Step 6: After your child guesses the word, invite him to open the box to see if he guessed correctly. Give specific praise. You might say:
“Yes, you figured out what the turtle was saying! Turtle was saying the word hat!”
Step 7: Continue the game using different words.