Face-to-Face Time!

Birth to 5 Months | Oral Language

Prep: None | Activity Time: 2–3 Minutes

From birth to about age 5 months, infants are especially interested in looking at your face. Spend time with your infant face-to-face. This helps to teach him that people close to him take pleasure in his communication attempts.

  • None

Step 1: Throughout the day, spend a few moments face-to-face with your baby while talking to him. 

Step 2: When you are holding, feeding or bathing your baby, bend toward him so that your face is about 8-to-14 inches away from his face. 

Step 3: While looking into his eyes, talk to him in slow, exaggerated speech patterns. For example, you might say:

“Hi Dil . . .lon. I’m your mom ... my!” or “There’s my special boy!” 

Step 4: While you are face-to-face, try moving your head from side to side. Often, your baby’s eyes will fixate on your eyes while you are moving. 

Step 5: Respond to your baby’s communication attempts while you are face-to-face by saying:

“There’s your beautiful smile!” or “I hear you talking. Goooo ... tell me more.”