Floor Time, Explore Time

Birth to 5 Months | Oral Language

Prep: None | Activity Time: 3–5 Minutes

During these early months, your infant is becoming more aware of herself and of her body. She may explore her body by sucking on her fingers or fist, reaching for her toes or batting at objects. Provide many safe opportunities for movement and exploration.

  • Blanket for floor 
  • Baby toys 

Step 1: Provide floor time play so that your infant has unrestricted space to explore with her hands, mouth and body.  

Step 2: Talk with your baby about body parts and activities. For example:

“You found your toes! Look at you touching your toes!”

“You pushed the ball! Did you see it roll?”

Step 3: Recognize your infant’s accomplishments. For example:

“You reached so far for the bear and you touched it! Yeah!”