Follow My Lead!

Birth to 5 Months | Letter Knowledge

Prep: None | Activity Time: 3–5 Minutes

During your baby’s first few months, she is learning how to focus her vision and attend to herself and others. Researchers have found that an infant’s development of joint visual attention is very important for later learning. You can support this important developmental stage by incorporating face-to-face social routines when your baby shows interest in herself or you!

  • A clean, soft blanket or comforter 

Step 1: Take frequent moments throughout the day to be face-to-face with your baby. Set up a safe place on the floor for your baby to lie on her back. You might want to place a soft, clean blanket on the floor for your baby to lay on. 

Step 2: Position yourself by sitting on the floor so that baby is directly in front of you. Lean forward to facilitate face-to-face engagement with your baby. 

Step 3: Watch your baby’s eye gaze, head-turn or gesture in response to seeing your face. 

Step 4: Follow your baby’s intentional lead and respond to what she focuses on. For example, if she looks into your eyes, try to maintain the focus by talking to her in a high-pitch and animated voice. You might say:

“There’s Kayla! I see your beautiful blue eyes! Mommy loves you soooo much!”

If she reaches for her toes, respond to her by talking about her cute piggy toes! 

Step 5: You can incorporate some social routines in response to your baby’s interest in your face or her fingers and toes. For example, this is a great time to play Peek A Boo, Patty Cake or This Little Piggy. 

Step 6: Discontinue this activity when your baby loses attention. She will let you know when she is ready to change physical positions!