Oral Language
On another day, when your toddler is awake and alert, talk to him about the animals introduced in the picture book. Use the illustrations to show your child what the animal’s habitat might look like. For example, you might say:
"Let’s look at Macaroni Penguin — he lives where it is very, very cold! He likes the cold, wet snow — brrrrr! He’s strutting through the snow. That means he’s walking proudly! Sometimes, we walk in the snow too!"
Continue to explore the world of animals with your toddler. Share other books about animals and encourage your child to point out the animals. Talk about animals that live on a farm or live in the ocean. Help your toddler build an animal habitat using his blocks. For more fun, encourage imaginative play by pretending to be an eagle or a monkey while making funny animal sounds.
Find more recommended children’s books for toddlers 12 to 17 months, or find an easy at-home activity designed to strengthen pre-reading skills in your toddler.