Take time to look at and talk about the illustrations. The illustrations in this book add many details to the story. For example, the hand-drawn clocks give readers information. The mother wanted to leave the playground at 3:00, but they hadn’t left when 4:30 rolled around because the baby was being cranky and pokey.
Ask your child to turn the pages of the book for you.
Read the repeating phrases with inflection. Each line has a variation of the phrase, “please, baby, please.” As you read, make your voice sound as if you are pleading with the baby. You may notice that your toddler tries to “read” the phrase along with you!
Make letter-sound connections for your toddler as you find them on different pages throughout the story. There are pages on which you could say, “/b/- /b/- baby, /b/- /b/- ball” and “/b/- /b/- baby, /b/- /b/- bath.”
Discuss the story line. This story follows the actions and behaviors of a baby who likes to do things “her way.” You may want to add your own comments as you read this story to your toddler. You might say:
“The baby drew on the wall! Crayons aren’t for walls! We know that crayons are for paper.”
“Look at the baby kicking and screaming! I’m so glad that you don’t do that when we have to leave the park.”
You can suggest alternatives to the baby’s stubborn behaviors.