This book contains predictable text, making it easy and fun for your toddler to follow along. Use your finger to follow the words on each page, allowing him to see which words you are reading.
Be enthusiastic about tucking in the baby animals, giving each animal a different voice as they say, “I do!” when asked, “Who else needs to be tucked in?”
Oral Language
Ask your toddler if he knows the name of each of the baby animals. Let him try to “tuck the animal in” by turning the page.
Point out parts of the animals that make them unique. For example, you might say:
“Look at that baby zebra. Zebras look like horses, but they have black and white stripes."
“That is a cute baby hedgehog! Hedgehogs have pointy quills that can stick you if they get scared!”
“What a beautiful baby peacock! Peacocks are birds with blue, green and purple feathers.”