Llama Llama Mad at Mama

Author: Anna Dewdney

24 to 35 Months | Poetry/Songs | Predictable Text

Have you ever gone shopping with your child on a day when he just doesn’t want to go? That’s what happens when Mama Llama takes her little one, Llama Llama, out for a day of shopping. See how Mama Llama responds when Llama Llama starts some of his Llama drama!

Before, During and After Reading

Oral Language

Talk about the illustration on the cover of the book. You might say:

“Look at Llama Llama’s face! How do think he feels? It looks like he’s riding in a shopping cart. Where do you think he is?

Here is the title of the book. It says Llama Llama Mad at Mama. It really does look like Llama Llama is mad. Let’s read the book to find out what made him so mad.”

Phonological Awareness

Read the story rhythmically, exposing your child to the rhythm and rhyme of the story.

Oral Language

As you read, ask your child to act out some of the ways that Llama Llama feels. For example, you might ask him to show you:

  • A whine
  • How he looks when he is mad
  • How he shows that he loves his mama

Discuss the picture clues and show your child how you can use the clues to make predictions.

Oral Language

Later in the day, or on another day, you might do a picture walk with your child. Open to the first page and talk about what’s happening and ask your child questions. Continue through the book as long as your child is interested. Here are some things you might say as you move through your picture walk:

“What is Llama Llama doing in this picture?

Mama Llama has keys in her hands. Do you remember where they’re going?

Llama Llama is riding in his car seat. What is he doing in his car seat?

Llama Llama looks really mad in this picture! Do you remember what happens next?”

Your child may answer questions in short two- to three-word utterances. You can expand on your child’s language by offering more information. For example:

Adult: “Do you remember where they are going?”

Child: “Go store.”

Adult: “Yes, that’s right! Llama Llama and his Mama are going shopping at the food store. Sometimes we go to (store name) to shop for food and you ride in the car seat just like Llama Llama.”

You might also read Llama Llama Red Pajama with your child, or find an at-home activity to help build important pre-reading skills