Oral Language
Let your child participate. Ask your child throughout the story to imitate Sophie’s facial expressions.
For example, you might ask your child:
“Can you show me how your face looks when you are angry? What face do you make when you are sad? Can you show me your happy face?”
This process can be repeated throughout the story, so you are able to see if she comprehends the range of emotions that Sophie is going through.
Add musical instruments. In a future reading of the story, you might give your child some sort of noisemaker (e.g., a bell, tambourine, two wooden blocks, two big metal spoons). As you read the story, have your child use the noisemaker to make really loud noises during the parts of the story where Sophie is angry. Then have her make the sound softer and softer as Sophie calms down. The sound should become very soft and faint when Sophie sits down to let the breeze and the ocean calm her down.
This type of exercise will help your child see how music can be used to express emotions.