Oral language
Create book appreciation and enjoyment for reading by taking a picture walk before you begin reading. During a picture walk, turn to each page in the book and ask your child to describe what he sees. Introduce unfamiliar vehicles and machines like the bulldozer, backhoe and forklift.
Phonological Awareness
As you introduce each new word, help your child identify the number of syllables. For example, you might say:
"Listen as I say this word slowly. Bull … do … zer.
Can you say it slowly?
Listen as I clap it slowly. Bull (clap) … do (clap) … zer (clap)!
How many times did I clap? Yes, I clapped three times because bulldozer has three parts or syllables.
Repeat with a variety of words. Try including other motions such as snapping, hopping or tapping.