Letter Knowledge
Introduce the book. Read the title and subtitle of the book, sweeping your finger under the words as you read them. Explain that these nursery rhymes have been told for many years, and Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy decided to make a book of them. Tell your child that the illustrator, Viví Escrivá, drew the pictures.
Oral Language
Discuss the illustrations. The illustrations on the front and back covers have many interesting details. Take time to talk about the illustrations with your child.
Use the glossary to define new words. Scan the glossary so you can flip to that page during your read-aloud, when you want to share the definition of a vocabulary word. Share that the glossary lists the new words in the book and tells you what they mean.
Phonological Awareness
Listen for rhyming words. Tell your child that many nursery rhymes have rhyming words in them. Give examples of rhyming words, like "hat-cat" and "house-mouse." Encourage your child to listen carefully and try to pick out some rhyming words in the nursery rhymes as you read.