Oral Language
Introduce and define words that your child may not be familiar with. Some interesting words from the story include: “starry,” “crisp,” “soared,” “announced” and “crackle.” Use a dictionary or look online to find simple definitions to share with your child as you introduce the new words. For your own ease, you can write short definitions on sticky notes and place them in the book on the same page as the vocabulary words.
Letter Knowledge
As you read the story, sweep your finger from left to right and top to bottom. Touch Juno’s name and identify the letters that spell his name. As you continue to read, invite your child to look for Juno’s name in the text. Provide clues by directing your child to the line where the word may appear. To make it easier, just look for the uppercase J.
Phonological Awareness
Play “I Spy” using letter sounds and word parts. Say the beginning sound of something found in the illustration. See if your child can find something that begins with the same sound. You might say:
“I see something that begins with the sound /l/. Can you find it? It begins with /l/ and ends with /r/. Do you see it? I’m going to say it slowly: ‘let … ter.’ Can you say it fast? Now, find it in the picture.”