Counting Kisses

Author: Karen Katz

Birth to 5 Months | Concept | Storybooks

A cranky, crying and sleepy little baby is about to go to bed. To make her feel better, her mother showers her with kisses and she is finally able to fall peacefully into a deep sleep. Simple text and art offer gentle, fun-filled opportunities for counting, patterns and vocabulary for different body parts. Counting Kisses  is a sweet and heartwarming little book that can easily be added to your baby’s bedtime ritual.

Before, During and After Reading

Oral Language 

Lay your baby on a soft, cushioned surface and show her the front cover of the book. Explain what the mommy and baby are doing in this picture. You might say: 

“The mommy is giving her baby a kiss on her baby’s head. The baby loves getting kisses! Look at her smile.” 

You may even do the same with your baby and kiss her head as well. 

Oral Language 

Read the text and point to a few words periodically. Emphasize the body parts that are featured on the page by repeating the name of the body part and showing your baby where that part is. You can do this by either pointing or kissing the body part; your baby would absolutely love your fun kisses! 

Oral Language 

Recall some vocabulary words from the text. You may want to revisit a few of the body parts, such as the nose, chin and hands. Repeat these words and the kissing game with your baby. You might even have your baby kiss your nose and chin too! 

Explore more recommended children's books for babies and infants from birth to five months of age. Or, find an easy at-home activity designed to build pre-reading skills in your baby.