At the Nemours Pediatrics Residency Program, we view education as a primary focus of our program. There are many learning opportunities in the hospital, clinic and local community. Each day you will have protected time to learn, free of clinical responsibility. We have a variety of conferences, seminars, lectures and Grand Rounds that add to your educational experience, depending upon your program of interest. Here at Nemours Children’s, we also see educational value in additional scholarly activities, which we encourage every resident to become involved with. For those who would have a special interest in global health or primary care and health equity, we are proud to offer additional track programs within our residency. Lastly, our residents are not just learners, but also supervisors and educators in undergraduate medical education. We are proud that our residents play integral roles in education with medical students from Thomas Jefferson University/Sidney Kimmel Medical College.
A variety of conferences, seminars, lectures and Grand Rounds are a part of your educational experience here at Nemours. You’ll also be encouraged to pursue clinical activities under faculty supervision.
Weekly Schedule for Formal Teaching
- Each day you will have protected time to learn in a variety of ways, both formally and informally.
Morning Report
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday mornings
- Morning report is a case-oriented conference led and presented by an inpatient team, critical care team or a resident assigned to a subspecialty. A morning report audience will include medical students, residents, fellows, general and subspecialty pediatric attending and radiologists, all of whom come together to contribute to the learning environment. We have also introduced a new health equity morning report, where we talk about health disparities as the primary driver affecting patient care.
Grand Rounds
Wednesday mornings
- Grand Round lectures are presented weekly by faculty, as well as by local and nationally known speakers on a variety of topics.
Chiefs Conference
- The Chief Residents present conferences that focus on Pediatric Board Review. This time is also used for evidence-based medicine lectures given by residents and faculty. Lastly, there are monthly “Professor Rounds,” where attending physicians are presented a case and work through their differential diagnosis.
Noon Conference
- Daily conferences are scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. Over the course of three years all subspecialty divisions contribute to presenting the noon conference. Topics cover the core curriculum of the American Board of Pediatrics. There are additional topics that are relevant to patient care like nutritional topics, medical technology, ethics conferences, and professional or “real life” information like finances, mortgages or retirement plans. Lunch is served daily. Pagers and iPhones are held by the residency office so you can concentrate on the topic presented.
Radiology Rounds
- Teams meet with radiologists at appointed times to review studies for all patients on the team. The residents have an opportunity to ask questions and learn from the radiologists.
Procedure Days
- The program encourages residents to fine-tune their procedural skills by scheduling a procedure day for every resident. You’ll spend time with Day Medicine, phlebotomy and simulation labs.
Health Equity Morning Report
- This conference is case-based in format and inspired by Boston Children’s Hospital. All residents present health equity morning report. This is a time to discuss those hard cases — when theory meets reality.
If you are on campus at the hospital, you will have the opportunity to go to morning report and noon conferences. If you are at Jefferson on Fridays, you could also participate in morning report.
Academic Half Day
- Academic Half Day is a dedicated half-day session (typically Wednesday mornings) when you are on “Y Block” with goals to learn about primary care. There are various lectures given by general pediatricians, clinical psychologists and some subspecialities like developmental medicine physicians or dermatologists.
- All first-year residents will complete didactic lectures about social determinants of health that occur on the first Friday of their Y block at Jefferson. Additionally, these topics are discussed further by community partners who share their active projects. In the second and third year, residents can complete site visits to local organizations. Residents in the second and third year are responsible for working on their own advocacy projects related to media and legislation, respectively. Another advocacy opportunity all residents have is to participate in refugee clinic, which is at TJU Nemours office and occurs weekly.
Resident as Educator or “RAE”
- All second- and third-year residents participate in our medical education curriculum, which incorporates a variety of experiences in four major domains: 1) shadowing exceptional teachers 2) bedside teaching 3) formal didactics 4) procedural teaching. This longitudinal opportunity allows residents to teach other residents and medical students in activities including simulation, mock codes, medical student orientation, physical exam skills and test preparation. Additionally, they work with faculty observers to get real-time feedback and recommendations about their teaching styles.
Global Health
- The Global Health residency track will enhance the knowledge base and skill level of Pediatric trainees in caring for patients in resource-limited and cross-cultural settings. Completion of this program over the PGY2 and PGY3 year will result in a Global Health Certificate of completion.
- Components include:
- A longitudinal Global Health curriculum including ACGME-focused core competencies and a “local is global” focus, paying close attention to immigrant and refugee health.
- Didactic lectures, simulation, skills training, and travel preparation and debriefing.
- Clinical Global Health Experiences in the PGY-2 and PGY-3 year.
- Scholarly work and presentation at Journal Club is expected.
- Self-Directed Learning through online module-based learning.
- Each resident will be paired with a Global Health mentor for the duration of training.

Health Equity, Leadership and Advocacy in Primary Care Track (HELA)
- The Health Equity, Leadership, and Advocacy in Primary Care Track is designed for residents interested in pursuing a career in general pediatrics with a particular emphasis on advocacy and health equity issues for children in underserved communities. The track combines traditional categorical pediatric residency training with enhanced community experiences and education pertaining to general pediatrics, health equity and leadership in primary care.
- Track residents are embedded in Jessup Street Clinic, a well-established medical home passionately committed to underserved families in Wilmington, Del. Residents receive a strong foundation in inpatient and subspecialty pediatrics but devote more time to outpatient subspeciality and primary care experiences than their peers. Primary Care Track Residents also receive formal education in health equity, advocacy and leadership through an additional curriculum. All track residents are responsible for a primary care-focused scholarly or community outreach project and meet regularly with track leaders for mentorship and career guidance.
- By the completion of their training, graduates will have a detailed understanding of barriers to health and how to partner with communities and families to optimize care. Graduates will feel well-equipped to care for the complex needs of any underserved community and feel prepared to be leaders in primary care. Residents will receive a designation of Distinction in Primary Care Pediatrics upon graduation.
- The application process involves residents expressing interest after Match Day; the pediatric residency program leadership and Track Directors Drs. Casey Coleman and Jonathan Miller select up to two residents per year.
- The track is affectionally abbreviated HELA, honoring Mrs. Henrietta Lacks, whose story grounds us and deeply aligns with our track mission.
- As a university program, the Residency Program has tremendous external support for research. Currently, the Departments of Pediatrics at the three integrated hospitals receive funding for more than 50 research projects, totaling in excess of $9 million annually. Last year alone, more than 215 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters were published by the combined pediatric faculty.
- As a resident, you’ll be encouraged to pursue clinical research activities under faculty supervision. Financial support specifically for resident research projects is available from Nemours Children’s. In recent years, several of our residents have made presentations at national scientific meetings and have had papers accepted for publication.
- Even if you aren’t involved in research, you’ll be expected to be able to critically evaluate published medical literature. Journal clubs and computer programs teach research study design issues, evidence-based medicine, and the basics of biostatistics.