Resident Well-Being

We recognize that many factors play a role in resident well-being and the prevention of burnout. Our program seeks to cultivate and uplift the sense of personal resilience among our residents through thoughtful scheduling, professional counseling, mentorship and support from program leadership, and a multitude of other wellness activities and resources. We also understand the value of creating a culture of wellness in the workplace, and additionally tackle resident well-being through systems-based and organizational changes to allow our residents to focus on their passion for caring for children and the fulfilling aspects of medicine. We follow an evidence-based paradigm for professional fulfillment and wellness in the work environment and rely on ongoing resident feedback to dynamically improve our program.


Lots of love and support.

  • Mentorship/Coaches — Residents are assigned a PD or APD “coach” that serves as a mentor and personal support throughout their training. Our coaching systems help foster a close sense of community and personalized relationships between program leadership and the residents through frequent check-ins and one-to-one chats.
  • Facilitated debriefings with palliative care and regular check-ins from pastoral care 
  • Resident Well-Being Committee
  • Diversity Interest Group and recognition of cultural holidays and observances 
  • Women in Medicine gatherings 
  • Designated APD as director of resident mental health & well-being

Four Tiers of Mental Health Support for Pediatric Residents

Level 1: Self-help well-being & support — I want to learn how to be healthy and maintain my wellness especially during challenging times. 

Level 2: Departmental/Institutional support — I am experiencing stress and prefer to discuss it with my leaders or colleagues.  

Level 3: Peer support — I am experiencing stress in work and other areas of life and speaking to those with similar experiences would help. 

Level 4: Professional support — I think speaking with a professional would help with finding ways to cope with the stressors in my life.  

Adapted from Jefferson’s pyramid of mental and emotional health resources.

Self-help well-being & support

I want to learn how to be healthy and maintain my wellness especially during challenging times. 

  • Calm  
    • #1 app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. 
  • Neuroflow 
    • HIPAA-compliant, 100% confidential mobile health app for tracking, assessing and managing your wellness.  
    • Learn and manage self-care habits for healthier outcomes through easy-to-use tools and resources. Examples include learning relaxation techniques, keeping a journal, tracking mood, sleep or pain, and building helpful skills through personalized content sent right to your phone. 
  • Nemours Fitness Center 
    • Totally free membership. Open 24/7. 
  • Jefferson’s Employee Assistance Program — First Call 
    • Live support available 24/7 to connect users with resources for mental health, elder care, childcare, legal aid, adoption and other daily living assistance.  
  • Nemours Employee Assistance Program — Resources for Living 
    • Live support available 24/7 to connect users with resources for mental health, elder care, childcare, legal aid, adoption, financial coaching and other daily living assistance. 
    • Can also sign up for Talkspace online therapy and myStrength self-help wellness app by calling or through website. 
  • The Nemours Center for Associate Well-Being
    • — Well-being ( 
  • Opt-out screening for all residents. 
    • Through the Jefferson Emotional Health and Wellness Program for House Staff. 
    • Starting January 2024 
    • Everyone will be scheduled for first appointment; additional follow-up sessions can be scheduled during initial meeting if desired.  

Departmental/Institutional support

I am experiencing stress and prefer to discuss it with my leaders or colleagues.  

  • Chief residents and program leadership   
  • Wellness committee and related activities   
  • Facilitated debriefings and reflections 
  • Retreats and house staff meetings  
  • Assessment of burnout  

Peer support

I am experiencing stress in work and other areas of life and speaking to those with similar experiences would help. 

Nemours Peer Support Program

  • Free, confidential active listening, nonjudgmental support by a trained Nemours associate. Clinical staff are connected to other clinical staff at a different site in the enterprise (i.e., DE Valley connected with Florida peer support).  
  • Can self-refer or refer a colleague. Response time typically takes 24 hours. 

Physician Support Line

Phone: (888) 409-0141

  • A national peer-to-peer support line for physicians by physicians. Free, confidential. Empathic and active listening, motivational interviewing, supportive therapy, collaborative problem solving and cognitive behavioral techniques to manage acute stress, panic, depression and insomnia. 
  • Call any time 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. ET, 7 days a week, and speak with someone immediately. No appointment necessary. 

Professional support

I think speaking with a professional would help with finding ways to cope with the stressors in my life.  

Emotional Health & Wellness Program for House Staff (EHWP)  

  • ** First line for nonemergent mental health support ** 
  • EHWP’s sole purpose is mental health support for residents. (i.e., they really get what you are going through) 
  • Appointments are virtual, three visits free of charge, additional visits covered by insurance. 
  • Psychology and psychiatry available  


Nemours Pastoral Care  

Jefferson’s Employee Assistance Program — First Call 

Live support available 24/7 to immediately connect users with resources for mental health, elder care, childcare, legal aid, adoption and other daily living assistance. 

Eligible for 5 free counseling sessions, then will connect with covered therapist if additional sessions desired.  

Nemours Employee Assistance Program — Resources for Living 

Live support available 24/7 to immediately connect users with resources for mental health, elder care, childcare, legal aid, adoption, financial coaching and other daily living assistance. 

Eligible for 8 free counseling sessions, then can connect with covered therapist if additional sessions desired.  

Can also sign up for Talkspace online therapy and myStrength self-help wellness app by calling or through website.  

Grow Therapy  

A website to search for and connect with both local and telehealth therapists. Convenient scheduling and fast appointments typically within 2 days. Ability to search for providers based on insurance, appointments often fully covered. 

Go to Grow Therapy — Find a therapist who meets your needs to find a provider.  


Tele-psychotherapy for Jefferson staff and faculty  

A referral website for connection to off-campus community mental health providers  

Go to to search for providers.  

Salary & Benefits

House Staff Salaries

  • PGY1: $71,923
  • PGY2: $74,799
  • PGY3: $77,792
  • PGY4: $80,904
  • PGY5: $84,139

Educational allowances may be used for books, work-related clothing, computer equipment, travel and board exams.

  • PGY1: $1,000
  • PGY2: $735
  • PGY3: $2,265


Travel is covered by the program for residents presenting at conferences.


Other Benefits

  • Meals — Free lunch every day at Noon Conference; small stipend for meals at TJUH and Nemours for call shifts
  • Free parking at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware and Christiana Care. Parking at Jefferson is discounted.
  • Free membership to on-site gym, open 24 hours, 7 days a week. A personal trainer is also available.
  • Free, on-campus access to Nemours Estate (historic mansion/museum, gardens and grounds)