Psychology Externship

Program Overview

Advanced Training for Predoctoral Psychology Students

The Division of Behavioral Health at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware offers a psychology externship for advanced predoctoral students (3rd year students and above) in clinical, school and counseling psychology. Positions are offered, dependent upon the availability of opportunities and the match of interests between supervisors and applicants. In the Division of Behavioral Health, we serve infants, children and adolescents who are hospital inpatients and outpatients, referred from ambulatory services of the hospital, and the community.

Our Affiliates

Thomas Jefferson University
ChristianaCare Healthcare
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital
Moss Rehab Hospital
Crozer-Chester Medical Center


Training & Rotations for Externs

Within the Department of Pediatrics, the Division of Behavioral Health includes psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, board-certified behavior analyst, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians and nurse practitioners. We have an APA-accredited Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology, and we also offer training through our Postdoctoral Fellowship program. In psychology, there are more than 80 doctoral-level licensed psychologists, psychology residents (interns), postdoctoral fellows, psychology externs and social work trainees. Opportunities are available to shadow, receive mentorship and consult with advanced trainees. We serve infants, children and adolescents in need of psychological evaluation and treatment.

Training Overview

Our externship positions typically last 9 to 12 months, depending on the needs of the student and clinic. There is no stipend available for externship training. Externship rotations are organized by type of training experience (i.e., intervention, integrated primary care, evaluation rotations). Additional training experiences, such as involvement in group therapy, are available to supplement any training experience so long as the training experiences do not conflict with one another. There is one position per rotation unless otherwise indicated. Students seeking a two-day placement can apply for multiple rotations. Training opportunities occur in person with telehealth offered on-site based on family preferences. In addition to clinical experiences, externs are welcome and encouraged to participate in other educational activities available through our externship program and the hospital, including professional development lectures, mentorship offerings, didactic seminars and grand rounds.

A strong emphasis on diversity awareness is woven throughout externship training, grounded in our commitment to support future psychologists in developing the cultural self-awareness and humility to effectively serve diverse populations. Our patients and families are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, SES, immigration status, language spoken, country of origin, family composition, religion, ability level, geographical location (i.e., rural vs. urban), sexual orientation and gender identity. We offer externs opportunities to work with underserved populations and those experiencing various forms of adversity.

Apply Today

Application Requirements

Deadline: January 17, 2025

All applications materials must be submitted as one PDF packet through PENDELDOT Application Portal (please submit in order below):

1. Nemours Psychology Externship Application Form (PDF)

2. PENDELDOT Application Form 

3. Cover Letter

4. Curriculum Vitae

5. Two Letters of Recommendation (letters can be included in application packet or writers can submit directly to Dr. Hoffses, if needed)

6. Pendelot Practicum Match Agreement 

Questions About Applying?

Kathryn Hoffses, PhD
Director of Externship Training, Division of Behavioral Health
(302) 651-4500
(email is the preferred method of contact)