Pediatric Osteogenesis Imperfecta Treatment Team
Your Pediatric Osteogenesis Imperfecta Treatment Team
International leaders in pediatric research and care in orthopedics, and members of the Brittle Bone Disorders Consortium (BBD), our top experts offer diagnosis and ongoing care for osteogenesis imperfecta.
Nemours has been seeing pediatric orthopedic patients in its world-class facilities since 1940, with research-based care and innovative surgical techniques at the forefront of our team of osteogenesis imperfecta specialists’ treatment roadmaps.
Families come from all over the world to get care for osteogenesis imperfecta in Wilmington, Delaware, where our osteogenesis imperfecta program is one of the world’s leading programs for treatment of brittle bone disease.
Meet the Team
The Nemours osteogenesis imperfecta team is experienced and focused on your child's healthiest future. Meet them now.

For Providers: Refer a Patient
Nemours Children's offers world-renowned pediatric orthopedic and OI care for newborns and children of all ages. If you need to arrange a referral for your patient, one call can help you secure acceptance, specialty consults, and more. Refer via our NemoursLink tool.