Pacemakers, Defibrillators & Implanted Devices

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Pacemakers, Defibrillators & Implanted Devices
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Pacemakers, Defibrillators & Implanted Devices
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Pacemakers, Defibrillators & Implanted Devices

Complete Cardiac Device Care for Kids and Young Adults

Children with certain heart problems may need specialized devices implanted under the skin to help manage irregular heart rhythms and heart pumping function. 

Pacemakers regulate the heart and maintain a steady rhythm using low-energy electrical pulses. Implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) use higher-energy pulses during life-threatening events like cardiac arrest. Other implanted cardiac devices can improve blood flow, treat heart failure and allow doctors to monitor heart rhythm over extended periods of time.

Nemours Children’s expert electrophysiology and arrhythmia team is part of recognized, award-winning heart centers in Delaware and Florida. We use innovative, minimally invasive approaches to implant devices in even the smallest babies. This can mean fewer, smaller cuts on the outside of the skin for an easier recovery. 

We offer the latest cardiac device technologies and equipment like leadless devices (without wires), and devices that can be placed just under the skin. We can keep track of your child’s heart from our offices and adjust devices without a visit.

Two Leading Pediatric Heart Centers

Our heart centers offer highly advanced, integrated care just for kids and young adults with congenital heart disease. Learn about our focused programs, innovative research and exceptional outcomes.  

Here for Your Family, for the Long Term

Nemours heart team is here for the long term, managing your child’s condition and watching their device closely as they grow. From birth to adulthood, we help your child do what they love at every age and stage.

Mother embracing toddler.

Our heart specialists are experts at implanting pacemakers using catheters, or thin tubes. This can mean an easier recovery for your child.

We make life a little easier with remote monitoring, video visits and routine appointments at locations that may be closer to home.

Our complete care includes therapies to strengthen your child’s spirit and live to their highest ability.

Nemours is researching children’s heart disease and sharing what we know so that kids everywhere can benefit.

Here for Your Family, for the Long Term

Nemours heart team is here for the long term, managing your child’s condition and watching their device closely as they grow. From birth to adulthood, we help your child do what they love at every age and stage.

Mother embracing toddler.

Our heart specialists are experts at implanting pacemakers using catheters, or thin tubes. This can mean an easier recovery for your child.

We make life a little easier with remote monitoring, video visits and routine appointments at locations that may be closer to home.

Our complete care includes therapies to strengthen your child’s spirit and help them develop to their highest ability.

We’re researching children’s heart disease and sharing what we know so that kids everywhere can benefit.

Meet the Team

Nemours pacemaker and implanted devices teams are experienced and focused on your child's healthiest future. Meet them now.